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With the rollout of regulation changes this month, there have also been a number of changes which affect the running of general meetings.

To prevent what has become known as “proxy farming”, except in certain circumstances, a person will only be able to vote on motions at a general meeting, under the authority of a power of attorney for one lot owner.

New “group of same-issue motions” procedures will also apply, to facilitate fair and appropriate consideration of multiple motions about the same issues at general meetings.

There are more flexible quorum requirements for general meetings. A body corporate can reduce the number of voters required to be present at a meeting to achieve a quorum, within certain limits, and reduce the number of voters who must be personally present to one. Bodies corporate are also able to decide that a person is personally present if they can cast a vote electronically at the meeting (for example, by

More, detailed information about changes to general meetings can be found here