How Can a Body Corporate Manage Limited Parking Spaces?

How Can a Body Corporate Manage Limited Parking Spaces?

Many schemes only have a limited number of visitor parking spaces, and often the minimum number of required visitor car parks are stipulated in a Body Corporate’s Development Approval. So, what can a Body Corporate do to manage the visitor parking when a resident...
Risking it All With an Unlicensed Contractor

Risking it All With an Unlicensed Contractor

A recent conviction at the Brisbane Magistrate’s Court has been a wake up call to all Bodies Corporate of the risks they face when engaging an unlicensed contractor. A Brisbane building company was found guilty of three offences under the Queensland Building and...
Private Eyes are Watching You!

Private Eyes are Watching You!

Can a body corporate install cameras on the common property and who has a right to that footage?  Can the body corporate be compelled to hand over that footage? Is the footage “private”? Recent decision Royal Pines Principal Body Corporate affirmed the current...