Parking, Pets and Parties

Parking, Pets and Parties

For owners, Committees and body corporate managers – the Unholy Trinity – PETS, PARKING AND PARTIES represent the three consistent headaches which come with owning within a strata scheme. As long-suffering Committee members would know – repeated attempts by...
How To Restore Paintwork After Water Damage

How To Restore Paintwork After Water Damage

Water damage continues to be a huge topic of conversation so this month Higgins shares some tips on how to restore your complex and paintwork after signs of water damage take affect. Over time, moisture can cause the paint on surfaces to bubble, peel, flake, or start...
Is The Grass Always Greener?

Is The Grass Always Greener?

In recent case Harpullia [2022] QBCCMCmr 473 (22 December 2022), the body corporate – having received no response from lot owners to their several pieces of correspondence regarding the state of their garden – eventually sought orders from an Adjudicator to compel the...
Upcoming Changes to Body Corporate Legislation Queensland

Upcoming Changes to Body Corporate Legislation Queensland

Following the 2022 Housing Summit, the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Women and the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence (The Honourable Shannon Fentiman) has announced this year the Queensland government will draft proposed changes to current body...