Penthouse Precipitation Problems.

Penthouse Precipitation Problems.

This month’s article of interest focuses on a case where respondent Owners of a large penthouse lot set right on the Brisbane River recently received a rude shock when they were ordered by a Body Corporate adjudicator to undertake significant works to their balcony...
Private Eyes are Watching You!

Private Eyes are Watching You!

Can a body corporate install cameras on the common property and who has a right to that footage?  Can the body corporate be compelled to hand over that footage? Is the footage “private”? Recent decision Royal Pines Principal Body Corporate affirmed the current...
Is a Committee of One a Valid Committee?

Is a Committee of One a Valid Committee?

Owners may be aware that the body corporate is required to have at least three (3) individuals making up a Committee and can have up to seven (7) individuals on the Committee, depending on the size of the scheme. It is important for Committee members to act...
Is The Grass Always Greener?

Is The Grass Always Greener?

In recent case Harpullia [2022] QBCCMCmr 473 (22 December 2022), the body corporate – having received no response from lot owners to their several pieces of correspondence regarding the state of their garden – eventually sought orders from an Adjudicator to compel the...