by hbcmwp | Oct 26, 2021 | Partner Post
This month we have partnered with LPE to help you better understand solar energy in Bodies Corporate. Renewable electricity plays a pivotal role in our collective journey toward a greener, more sustainable future. Yet, the millions of Australians living in apartments...
by hbcmwp | Oct 25, 2021 | Partner Post
It’s no secret that storm season has begun, so this month we have partnered with CHU to help help identify the risks of severe weather patterns and how you can ensure that your family and property are protected. The present La Niña weather pattern may impact...
by hbcmwp | Sep 27, 2021 | Partner Post
We have partnered with Solutions in Engineering to provide some insight and help owners understand the importance of being compliant with current fire and safety regulations. Since the pandemic arrived on our shores, more and more workers have been forced to conduct...
by hbcmwp | Sep 24, 2021 | Partner Post
We have partnered with Higgins Coatings to provide some insight on what colours might be best suited to your building and how important this decision is. Choosing the right colours for your strata building paintwork can be a loaded decision. As the Strata...
by hbcmwp | Aug 27, 2021 | Partner Post
We have partnered with Draincare to provide some important information about isolation valves, where to find them and when to turn them off. Water isolation valves, do you know where yours is located in the event of an emergency? It is a common occurrence for a water...
by Joe | Jul 23, 2021 | Partner Post
Our sponsor’s at Kelly + Partners have shared their exclusive conversation surrounding Strata Schemes and Tax Time. Joel Russell (JR): Peter, you’ve worked with Strata managers on complex tax matters for some time now. What are some key considerations for a...