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As experienced plumbers who have been providing services to Body Corporates for decades, we have observed that many job requests often lack the necessary details or accompanying photographs, which can lead to delays, increased costs, and unnecessary complications.

When lodging a maintenance job or requesting a quote with your Body Corporate Managers, it is essential to provide clear and comprehensive information to facilitate an efficient process.

Providing detailed information along with high-quality photos, allows us to quickly assess the nature of the issue and determine the most suitable plumber for the job. In some cases, we may also identify the need for a different trade or specific materials that should be brought to the site, ensuring that the right tools and supplies are available from the outset. This proactive approach can help avoid additional labour and time charges, leading to a more efficient resolution of the problem for the client.

Additionally, including these details can significantly reduce the administrative burden on Body Corporate Managers. With the correct information upfront, work orders can be promptly sent to the appropriate tradespeople without the need for follow-up or clarification, ultimately leading to reduced wait times and a faster turnaround on maintenance and repair tasks.  In today’s environment of rising living costs, everyone is looking for ways to save a dollar here and there.

Photos normally tell a thousand words and, in the past, when we receive photos along with a request, we have been able to provide immediate advice to clients, guiding them through simple steps to resolve the issue themselves. This has often lead to eliminating the need for a formal call-out, saving both time and money. We have frequently encountered situations where upon reviewing photos of a particular issue, we’ve been able to offer straightforward, cost-saving advice to clients. On numerous occasions, this has resulted in clients resolving their issues without the need for an on-site visit.  Such instances not only reduce call-out fees but also contribute to higher customer satisfaction, as clients are pleased to avoid unnecessary costs as well as having the opportunity to leverage our expertise to provide timely and accurate solutions.